Iptables – HowTo: OpenWRT routing/tunneling all traffic through an inline Snort sensor


I want all traffic that hits the OpenWRT router redirecting/tunneling through a dedicated Snort/Suricata machine before it leaves the local network. The Snort/Suricata machine should act as an inline passive (!) IDS, but does only have 1 eth0 device.

  • OpenWRT Router Barrier Breaker ( provides ethernet LAN, WiFi and OpenVPN.
  • Clients (192.168.1.x)
  • VPN Clients (192.168.10.x)
  • Snort/Suricata machine (
  1. What iptables do I have to use on the OpenWRT router to redirect/ tunnel all traffic through the IDS sensor?

  2. What iptables do I have to use on the Snort/Suricata machine? As the traffic comes in at eth0, gets inspected, and then exits the machine at eth0 to the router and to its destination.

I know that usually packet-mirroring is used, but I am only interested in the scenario as described.

Best Answer

Use VLANs. See: router on a stick, http://wikipedia.org/wiki/One-armed_router

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