Iptables – IPSec Tunnel to Amazon EC2 – Netkey, NAT, and routing issue

amazon ec2ipseciptablesnat;vpn

I'm working on getting an IPSec VPN working between Amazon EC2 and my on-premise. The goal is to be able to safely administer stuff, up/download data, etc. over that tunnel.

I have gotten the tunnel up in openswan between a Fedora 12 instance with an elastic IP and a Cisco router that's also NATted. I think the ipsec part is OK, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to route traffic that way; there's no "ipsec0" virutal interface because on Amazon you have to use netkey and not KLIPS for the vpn. I hear iptables may be required and I'm an iptables noob.

On the left (Amazon), I have a 10. network.
Box 1 is privately 10.254.110.A, publically IP 184.73.168.B.
Netkey tunnel is up.
Box 2 is publically 130.164.26.C, privately 130.164.0.D

And my .conf is:

conn ni
        type=           tunnel
        authby=         secret
        left=           10.254.110.A
        leftid=         184.73.168.B
        leftnexthop=    %defaultroute
        right=          130.164.26.C
        rightid=        130.164.0.D
        rightnexthop=   %defaultroute
        keyexchange=    ike
        pfs=            no
        auto=           start
        keyingtries=    3
        ikelifetime=    240m
        auth=           esp
        compress=       no
        keylife=        60m
        forceencaps=    yes
        esp=            3des-md5

I added a route to box 1 ( via 10.254.110.A dev eth0) but that doesn't do it for predictable reasons, when I traceroute the traffic's still going "around" and not through the vpn.

Routing table: dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src 10.254.110.A via dev eth0  src 10.254.110.A dev eth0  scope link  metric 1002

Anyone know how to do the routing with a netkey ipsec tunnel where both sides are NATted?


Best Answer

You know about Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, right?

I spent weeks working on a scheme of OpenVPN and fancy routing to accomplish the same thing, after which Amazon released this service and obsoleted my work.