Iptables – NAT via iptables and virtual interface


I'm trying to implement the following scenario:
One VM-host, multiple guest VMs, each one gets its own IP-address (and domain).

Our server has only one physical interface, so the intended use is to add virtual interfaces on eth0. To complicate our situation the provider uses port-security on their switches, so I can't run the guest interfaces in bridged mode, because then the switch detects a "spoofed" MAC-address and kills the interface (permanently, forcing me to call the support, which I'm sure will get them a little bit angry the third time 😉 ).

My first guess was to use iptables and NAT to forward all packages from one virtual interface to another one, but iptables doesn't seem to like virtual interfaces (at least I can't get it to work properly). So my second guess is to use the source IP of the packages to the public interface.

Let's assume libvirt creates a virbr0-network with and the guest uses as IP-address.

This is what I tried to use:
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --src public_ip_on_eth0:0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination

That doesn't give me the intended results either (accessing the server times out).

Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do, or even to route all traffic to a certain IP on a virtual interface to the VM's device?

Best Answer

to use DNAT like this you need your guest systems to have VM-host as default gateway.

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