Iptables – Open port only on OpenVPN network with iptables


I'm running an OpenVPN network and one of the VPN clients in my network is a web server which provides access to some internal services used by my application.

Normally, on a public facing web server I would open port 80 with iptables like this:

-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

However, doing this for my internal web server, this will expose port 80 on the private IP (192.168.x.x) which is what I do not want since it would potentially allow other VM's on the same network (which aren't necessarily controlled by me) access to this machine.

How do I set the iptables rule in such a way that port 80 is only accessible through the VPN IP (10.8.x.x) so that only VPN client in my network can access it?

Best Answer

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s -d 192.168.X.X --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Should do the trick... unless you are nat-ing first.

You could even add a -i tun0 or something, to limit on the interface name.

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