Iptables – Tomcat and Apache on one machine with two IP’s


I have a simple static website (foo.com) served with Apache2. The static website has a link to get to an application served using tomcat. To do so, the link just points to foo.com:8080/app

The end goal is to avoid having the port number. I also want to avoid using mod_proxy or mod_jk because the two contents (the static pages and app) are fairly unrelated, so I think it would be an overkill. The common use case is static page->app [never come back]

Here are some options I have considered:

  1. Run the app on a different machine, and map its IP to a subdomain (s1.foo.com). Then on this machine, use iptables to forward the 80 port to 8080, so that s1.foo.com/app works as expected.

  2. Get an additional IP address for the one server. Have a subdomain point to that IP address, then use iptables to forward IP:8080 to IP:80.

My questions are 1) Are these sensible? 2) What steps should I follow so that I don't mess up my rule chains? 3) Are there better alternatives?

Thank you,

Best Answer

Your best option is to get a second IP for the server, set it up as an IP alias. The first IP is set on network interface eth0, the next one on eth0:0 (a third would be eth0:1, and so on).

Here's a general guide, but it might be easier to look for recent instructions for your Linux distro specifically:


Once you've done that, you set Apache up to bind to the first IP (as it is now) and Tomcat to bind to the new IP, e.g.

eth0   - - Apache
eth0:0 - - Tomcat

Then set your DNS up something like:

example.org        -
tomcat.example.org -

No need to use :8080 at all, or any redirection/IP Tables forwarding. The links just point to http://tomcat.example.org/whatever/

Note that it is a new network interface, so you will want to check your IPTables rules and:

a) Close port 8080 on your first interface when you are no longer using it

b) Make sure you check / set IPTables to lock down the new IP address so only port 80 is allowed in.