IPv6: “Destination unreachable: No route” Routing error


I've got an IPv6 address added to a bridge (sysctl has been configured to enable forwarding). However whenever I try to ping an IPv6 host it fails with the following error:

PING google.com(we-in-x65.1e100.net) 56 data bytes
From 2a00:dd0:0:28:216:3eff:fe1a:b34a icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: No route

This is my /etc/network/interfaces (Debian) config:

iface xenbr0 inet6 static
        address 2a00:0dd0:0000:0028:0000:0000:0000:0001
        netmask 64
        gateway 2a00:0dd0:0000:0028:0000:0000:0000:0000

This is the routing table:

root@nl:~# route -6 | grep dd0
2a00:dd0:0:28::/64             ::                         U    256 0     1 xenbr0
::/0                           2a00:dd0:0:28::            UG   1024 0     0 xenbr0
2a00:dd0:0:28::/128            ::                         Un   0   1     0 lo
2a00:dd0:0:28::1/128           ::                         Un   0   1     7 lo

I got this from my ISP as my "IPv6 block": 2a00:dd0:0:28::1/64. No other info was given.

Wondering if this is a router issue on their end or one on mine?

Best Answer

2a00:dd0:0:28::1/64 is probably your default gateway since a block can't end with 1. Your host ip is set to the address of your default gateway and your default route points to your entire block 2a00:dd0:0:28::.

Use a subnet calculator to figure out the range of addresses in your block and change your host IP. Then see if you can ping 2a00:dd0:0:28::1. If so try using it as a default gateway and then try to ping another internet host. If these settings don't work contact your provider.

Also I haven't tried any google v6 addresses, but if you haven't successfully pinged them from another host try from a working host to make sure they answer.