IPv6 issues with Server 2012


We have a Windows Server 2012 domain. The server acts as our DHCP and DNS. About 2 weeks ago, Comcast changed something in their router I believe, enabling IPv6. Since IPv6 was never initially set up on our Windows 2012 server, the router was now acting as DHCP for IPv6 addresses. Because of that, none of our pc's in the domain could resolve names since it was no longer using IPv4 and our own DNS server.

I found the setting in the Comcast router to turn off IPv6 DHCP, but it appears the damage is already done. I don't know anything about IPv6 and am the "pseudo" IT guy in the office. I've had to go to all the affected machines and ran "ipconfig /release6" as well as remove all the IPv6 DNS entries on our Windows 2012 Server.

This seemed to "band-aid" the situation, but client machines keep getting IPv6 and DNS keeps getting screwed up.

Can anyone lend some advice on what the problem is and how to solve it?

Best Answer

Band-aid: Login to your modem and disable IPv6 Stateless and Stateful (DHCPv6) Auto-configuration. Also check that DHCPv4 isn't enabled, it's enabled by default. This will just leave you without IPv6 support.

As Michael mentioned above, IPv6 isn't required by very many websites yet, but with IPv4 exhaustion really happening right now (like you can't get IPv4 addresses in parts of the world anymore), there will be more and more IPv6-only sites in the near future.

The "real solution" is to setup DHCP on the router instead of the Server. Windows doesn't play very well with IPv6, at least it's DHCPv6 is "lacking". So you'll run into quite a few problems using it as the DHCPv6 server. The problem with setting up the router as the DHCPv6 server is that you'll lose AD Integrated DNS updates. This can be configured around, but isn't easy. So my suggested "real solution" is to call a local consultant who can configure everything for you.