IPv6 LAN to IPv4 with PFsense


Is it possible to setup PFsense to do IPv6 to IPv4?

I am setting up an IPv6 LAN for "testing" and also to mess around with and I can't get an IPv6 address from my ISP so I need a way to change IPv6 to IPv4.


Ok I upgraded to the PFsense 2.0 RC1 which has IPv6 support.

Under the "Advanced Settings" there are options for IPv4 NAT encapsulation of IPv6 packets.

There is a checkbox to enable the option and also a entry box that says "IP Address"

What do I enter there?

enter image description here

Best Answer

6to4 needs to know your extern IPv4 address that it should use. This will determine your IPv6 prefix by embedding the IPv4 address in your IPv6 prefix (basically your IPv6 subnet has the information necessary for other IPv6 hosts to find their way back to your IPv4 address via another 6to4 router.

Your ISP must support 6to4, or you must use a public 6to4 router.

PFsense is based on FreeBSD, I don't know PFsense's interface all that well, but I have an Intro to 6to4 for the FreeBSD CLI on my blog.

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