IPv6-only client to IPv6/IPv4 dual stack server tunnel


I have a IPv6-only client and a IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack server. The client can connect to the server via IPv6. I want to set up a tunnel on the server so the client can access IPv4 resources through the server. The client is running OS X, and the server is running Ubuntu. How do I proceed from here?

Best Answer

The thing to keep in mind with IPv6 and IPv4 is that they are two completely separate name-spaces, as well as protocols. The IPv6 client will have to somehow resolve that IPv4 resource as an IPv6 address. That's tricky.

However, you may be able to leverage a certain IPv6 transition technology known as NAT64. This does the v6 <-> v4 translation, though name-resolution still remains an issue. There isn't a lot in the Linux space that does this yet, though there are a few projects (one such).