IPv6 Webserver reachable for IPv4 only Clients


I have a web server with a public IPv4 address. For this IPv4 address, I have a DNS A record for "domainA.com". Since more IPv4 addresses cost money at my hosting company, I am thinking about using a free IPv6 address to host another website on this server.

(I need a different IP because I want to use SSL Certificates. Apache is not able to distinguish between the domain names on a single IP, when the browser of the client don't use SNI, so there are certificate errors)

If I use a IPv6 DNS provider to map my domain "domainB.com" to the IPv6 address with an AAAA Record, are IPv4-only clients able to reach the Website?
And if they are not able, is there any service or similar to make this possible?

Best Answer

No, IPv4 only clients cannot reach an IPv6 only website.

However, most (if not all) browsers today support SNI so it should really not be an issue using SNI unless you are supporting legacy equipment.

You could probably use a service such as Cloudflare to proxy the requests to you, but I am not sure whether or not it actually can translate between IPv4 and IPv6 but I guess so.

But they are probably also using SNI, so you would run into the same issue there.

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