IPv6 website not working in IIS 8


I'm new to IPv6 but I thought it would work in the same way as IPv4 (in regards to configuring in IIS)

My domain name provider states that I need to set up the AAAA record, not the A record. As such I do, and I point to my server

enter image description here

I bind my website and choose the IPv6 address in IIS

I'm not using HTTPS, so binding on Port 80. All other sites work fine, but this is the only site where I'm attempting to use IPv6 (all others are IPv4)

I have added IPv6 to the firewall. Oddly, it doesn't even return from a ping. I did this by adding a new rule-> custom -> all programs -> ProtocolType:ICMPv6 and then clicked on Customize to ensure All ICMP types are selected -> scope (any IP address) -> Allow the connection and I applied this to Domain, Private and Public

If I ping 2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1 from my VPS, it replies. However, it's not visible to the outside world!


Yet I've tested my site on http://ipv6-test.com/validate.php
enter image description here

The site in question is www.bmup.co.uk. If I browse it from within IIS, the site loads as expected so the issue is something to do with external requests.

If I perform a nslookup I get:


I have the issues (can't access via browser) from 3 machines in 2 different locations (although both in UK). The server is in Germany.

What can I do so I can view my website in a browser.

Best Answer

I can ping6 the IP address noted above from my office.

PING 2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1(2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=115 time=41.2 ms
64 bytes from 2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=115 time=33.4 ms
64 bytes from 2001:4ba0:cafe:c54::1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=115 time=34.8 ms

When I access the website noted above, it says

This is my website! Hurray!

The IPvFoo plugin I use in chrome shows that all resources on the page are delivered using IPv6 from the IP address noted above.

IPvvFoo plugin result

I doubt that I am on your VPS so I guess that I'm part of the outside world and I don't appear to be having an issue.

Perhaps your part of the outside world is blocking or not IPv6 connected ?

What can I do so I can view my website in a browser.

Deploy Scientific Method from your sysadmin toolkit and start being structured and methodical.

You know that your system is correctly configured to deliver web pages over IPv6, you have verified this locally and I have verified this from the outside world. This answers your headline and original question.

Now you want to know why you can't access it from 2 locations. So start gathering information

  • What is the (extended) error message displayed in your browser when you try to access the website ?

  • Are the locations you are unable to access the system from IPv6 enabled ?

  • Can you connect to any IPv6 resources on the wide internet? try http://v6.testmyipv6.com/
  • Can you ping -6 / ping6 the server from those locations?
  • can you telnet to the webserver port 80 on it's IPv6 address ?
  • Does a path checking tool like mtr reveal anything useful ?
  • etc

Seriously, we can't even begin to answer the extended question you have posed with the information you have provided.

What an amazing edit. The fact I can't access v6.testmyipv6.com suggest that, as per your original answer, I'm just in an area which can't access IPv6?

IPv6 availability in the UK is not by area, it is by ISP. If you want IPv6 and your ISP doesn't (yet) provide it then you could try using a tunnel service e.g.

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