Is ceph replication based on nodes or disks


Im currently evaluating storage systems for xenserver. Because data replication is important in the case of a failure i have a question regarding replication in ceph.

As far as i know every disk in a node is an osd by itself (disks are not in any raid configuration). Is the ceph replication algorithm aware of the fact that 2 osd's are on the same node so not replicating the data on these osd's?

Minimal Example:
2 nodes with 2 disks each.
Because of the non raid setup each disk is a osd -> 4 osd's.
Node A: OSD1, OSD2; Node B: OSD3, OSD4.
I set the replication amount to 2 and save an object into ceph.
Will the object be saved and replicated on so that in case of a node failure the data is completely accessible?

Thank you for your answers

Best Answer

  1. Yes
  2. You can define the policy to replicate by node, racks, datacenters, etc.
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