SMTP Encryption – Is Enforcing Encryption for SMTP a Good Idea?


I am running an email server which is currently set up to use TLS if possible, when sending and receiving emails.

When you read in the documentation about this, there is also the option to enforce TLS and not accept plain text transmission of emails. It also warns you that some mail servers might not support encryption yet and enforcing encryption could block these servers.

But is this still an issue one should think about or is it safe to say that enforcing encryption won't be a problem anymore?

Is there possibly some big provider who is already doing this or what do you consider best practice these days?

Best Answer

The practical problem is that not every SMTP-compliant (the RFC is quite old) server can speak TLS to your server, so you may miss receiving some email messages.

The philosophical problem with this is that its impossible to tell how the email gets relayed after (or before) it arrived at your server.

This means that the email may have already been transmitted in plain-text via a relay already.

Anyone serious about protecting the contents of their email should actually encrypt the body. With encryption en-route its always plausible its been transmitted in plain-text already.

So, to answer your question enforcing encryption at the SMTP layer is probably pointless, increases your chance of missing email and there is no guaranteed beneficial payoff.

Edit: This refers to SMTP enforcement for the purposes of relaying, not submission of email. In mail submissions encryption should be enforced since the SMTP conversation (not the actual email) possibly contains authentication credentials.