Is IIS Advanced Logging faster than ODBC logging


I believe ODBC logging is slowing my website down. I read that IIS Advanced Logging can give me what I need with the Log Parser (I think).

Is the Advanced Logging worth the time to implement?

Will it be a lot faster than ODBC logging?

Is LogParser the same as IIS Advanced Logging?

edit: can anyone tell me why I'd want to use this, instead of the built in ODBC logging? What I have now puts every single item in the log. If someone gets a graphic on the page it goes in the log, for example. That's too much.

I want to see the query string and the like, but I don't care that icon/image x was downloaded on the page.

Best Answer

You should not log directly to a database, it's a really bad idea. Microsoft is fairly specific with this.

"Microsoft does not recommend IIS logging to a SQL Server table if the IIS computer is a busy server. Sending logging data to a SQL Server database for a busy Web site consumes system resources."

It's fairly simple to setup a custom log importer that bulk inserts the log data after the fact. If your goal is just to get the logs into a SQL database, the IIS Advanced Logging would probably be overkill.