Is ‘Include /path/to/*/live.conf’ possible with Apache


We store VirtualHost entries in (dev|staging|live).conf files within the SVN repository for the site.

For example:


It'd be handy to be able to include them automatically, such as:
Include /var/www/vhosts/*/live.conf

But that doesn't seem to work.

We've worked around it with a simple PHP script:

$vhosts = '';
foreach (glob('/var/www/vhosts/*/vhost/dev.conf') as $filename) {
    $vhosts .= "\nInclude $filename";

file_put_contents('/var/www/vhosts/vhosts.conf', $vhosts);

However, I'd love to simplify and get Apache (2.2.3) to do the job without requiring the PHP step.


Best Answer

apache2 does not support wildcards in includes. However, you could arrange it a bit in the following manner:

  • create some directory for your configs (such as /etc/apache2/myconfigs)
  • symlink your configuration dynamically to apache2:
rm -f /etc/apache2/myconfigs/*
for i in $(find /var/www/vhosts/*/live.conf); do \
tempfn=$(echo $i|cut -d/ -f5-6|sed s,/,_,);  \
ln -s $i /etc/apache2/myconfigs/$tempfn.conf \
  • add a "Include /etc/apache2/myconfigs" in your apache2.conf

Note: on cut, i used -f5-6 for delimiter joining (to provide something like site1.com_live.conf symlink name), but you might have to adjust that according to your own fs path. Note on note: the above is for bash, might need adapting for other shells.

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