Is it advisable to run Apache in a chroot jail


I have been advised by a sysadmin guy I know, to run Apache in a chroot jail, for increased security.

I have the following questions:

  1. Is this advisable (i.e. are there any 'gotcha's that I need to be aware of) ?
  2. Does running Apache in a chroot jail affect its ability issues like performance and scalability?

He also advised that I run my databases (mySQL and PostgreSQL), in separate chroot jails.

Is this something that is often done in production systems


Forgot to say, Server is running on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Best Answer

Chrooting is a good security measure, it limits the possibilities to compromise the system in case of a successfull exploit but there are also ways in some case to evade from a chroot, so it is not a definitive way to protect the system.

I'm not aware of any disavantage regarding performance and scalability. Concerning database access, it is generaly done with a link to the socket inside the chroot this way you don't have to open any networking port for database connectivity.

EDIT: below is a sample for mysql access taken from an OpenBSD rc.local (OpenBSD chrooted httpd)

if [ X"${mysql_server_flags-NO}" != X"NO" -a -x /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe ]; then
        rm -R /var/www/var/run/mysql
        mkdir -p /var/www/var/run/mysql
        chown _mysql:_mysql   /var/www/var/run/mysql
        echo -n 'MySQL server: '; /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --user=_mysql ${mysql_server_flags} &
        sleep 10
        ln -f /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock /var/www/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

Hope this helps.

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