Is it an unsafe practice to symlink /etc conf files


To manage the configuration of a server, I keep some configuration flies (located in /etc) under version control (in the home folder) and then symlink to them from their /etc locations:

/etc/someprog/c.conf -> /home/ubuntu/etc-config/someprog/c.conf

Is this a reasonable approach? Any potential downsides?

Best Answer

I noticed you add git as a tag--it sounds like /home/ubuntu/etc-config is a git repository with all your configs in it. In which case, it sounds like you're trying to manage configuration files from a central location. If that's the case, I highly recommend looking for a real solution.

Take a look at something like puppet, chef, cfengine, or any of the major configuration manage engines out there. Many of them are free and open source, widely used, and are typically very easy to setup and manage. If you're trying to use a "lightweight" method instead, you'll likely come to regret it later.