Is it bad to have the reverse DNS for two IPs point to the same domain name


I am in the process of setting up a new server for my web application (the site will be moved, it is not for load balancing or the like), which has a different IP address from my existing server. My current server has a reverse DNS PTR record set up pointing its IP to Is it bad to set up a reverse DNS PTR record for the new IP pointing to as well? Or should I wait until I do my migration to set up the record?

Update: I forgot to mention, the A record for the points to the old server's IP address, not the new one, if it matters.

Best Answer

If it is convenient for you as a temporary solution, it should be perfectly acceptable. I cannot think of many scenarios where having multiple PTR records with the same hostname will introduce any technical issues.

One potential scenario would be mail delivery on the new server. At least, if the forward lookup resolves to the old server. Fickle mail servers will bounce mail without hostnames/IPs being able to resolve both ways and match.

Outside of that, and I'm really trying, I can't think of any. If there's more, it's likely to be of limited scope like above.