Is it OK to have a public CNAME pointing to an interal domain name


I have a (public) domain and an internal DNS server for my (internal) subdomain zones. Is it OK to have a public CNAME point to an interal domain name?

  • Let's say is the public zone (managed by my webhoster) with some publicly reachable servers (e.g.,
  • is the interal zone (internal DNS server points to private IP addresses)

Now I moved a deprecated public service into my intranet. Are there any objections to have a CNAME like -> DNS requests from the internet will always get a NXDOMAIN. The main benefit for me is that internal consumers of the deprecated service can use the same URL as before.

Best Answer

On a purely technological level? Sure, that's fine.

On an institutional level, you might want to check with your security team to make sure they don't have policies forbidding it. They might consider it a non-permissible leakage of internal network details.

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