Is it possible to check the progress of of a currently running clamAV scan


I have searched around but not found a possible solution to this so far.
I have an ongoing scan which I thought would've been finished at certain time, but unfortunately it has not. So I am wondering if there's a way to check the scan progress of this ongoing progress.

Best Answer

AFAICT, this is not possible—you can either have all scanned files printed to the console, or just print infected files. Then at the end, ClamAV will print a summary. I haven't been able to find a way to get any ongoing statistics.

The only way I could imagine hacking it to do this would be:

  1. First, count all files recursively in the directory(ies) that will be scanned by ClamAV, then store that number in a variable.
  2. Run ClamAV wrapped in a script that counts the lines output, and compares that to the count from step 1.

I tried doing this quickly one time, but couldn't get it working well enough for an automated Jenkins job I set up... so I eventually gave up on it. Sorry :(