Is it still “wrong” to require STARTTLS on incoming SMTP messages


According to the STARTTLS Spec Section 5:

A publicly-referenced SMTP server MUST NOT require use of the
STARTTLS extension in order to deliver mail locally. This rule
prevents the STARTTLS extension from damaging the interoperability of
the Internet's SMTP infrastructure. A publicly-referenced SMTP server
is an SMTP server which runs on port 25 of an Internet host listed in
the MX record (or A record if an MX record is not present) for the
domain name on the right hand side of an Internet mail address.

However, this spec was written in 1999, and considering it's 2014, I'd expect most SMTP clients, servers, and relays to have some kind of implementation of STARTTLS.

How much email can I expect to lose if I require STARTTLS for incoming messages?

Best Answer

Yes, it is still a bad idea.

Three reasons:

  1. While the RFC you cited (RFC 2487) is in fact obsoleted by the current standard RFC 3207, the current standard keeps the MUST NOT verbiage you quoted in your question.

  2. SMTP Clients are not required to implement STARTTLS. It is totally acceptable not to do so. While STARTTLS is becoming more common, it is absolutely not universal.

  3. As a result of reasons 1 and 2, if you require STARTTLS on all incoming connections you will lose mail.


Your server - your rules. If you want to arbitrarily reject any mail for any reason, or even no reason - that is your right and privilege. (does not mean that it is necessarily a great idea however)

Side notes:

You wont prevent spam by requiring STARTTLS, even if you require mutual STARTTLS authentication. Spammers can get certificates too - or create self-signed ones. Rejecting self-signed client certs will also result in losing legitimate mail.

STARTTLS is point-to-point encryption. The connecting system can still read the contents of the email. If you want real privacy, you need something end-to-end, such as OpenPGP or S/MIME.

That said, STARTTLS does remove one possible avenue for interception or MITM and therefore it is still a good idea to use it when feasible, ie when the other side supports it too.

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