Is post-sudden-power-loss filesystem corruption on an SSD drive’s ext3 partition “expected behavior”


My company makes an embedded Debian Linux device that boots from an ext3 partition on an internal SSD drive. Because the device is an embedded "black box", it is usually shut down the rude way, by simply cutting power to the device via an external switch.

This is normally okay, as ext3's journalling keeps things in order, so other than the occasional loss of part of a log file, things keep chugging along fine.

However, we've recently seen a number of units where after a number of hard-power-cycles the ext3 partition starts to develop structural issues — in particular, we run e2fsck on the ext3 partition and it finds a number of issues like those shown in the output listing at the bottom of this Question. Running e2fsck until it stops reporting errors (or reformatting the partition) clears the issues.

My question is… what are the implications of seeing problems like this on an ext3/SSD system that has been subjected to lots of sudden/unexpected shutdowns?

My feeling is that this might be a sign of a software or hardware problem in our system, since my understanding is that (barring a bug or hardware problem) ext3's journalling feature is supposed to prevent these sorts of filesystem-integrity errors. (Note: I understand that user-data is not journalled and so munged/missing/truncated user-files can happen; I'm specifically talking here about filesystem-metadata errors like those shown below)

My co-worker, on the other hand, says that this is known/expected behavior because SSD controllers sometimes re-order write commands and that can cause the ext3 journal to get confused. In particular, he believes that even given normally functioning hardware and bug-free software, the ext3 journal only makes filesystem corruption less likely, not impossible, so we should not be surprised to see problems like this from time to time.

Which of us is right?

Embedded-PC-failsafe:~# ls
Embedded-PC-failsafe:~# umount /mnt/unionfs
Embedded-PC-failsafe:~# e2fsck /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
embeddedrootwrite contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Invalid inode number for '.' in directory inode 46948.
Fix<y>? yes

Directory inode 46948, block 0, offset 12: directory corrupted
Salvage<y>? yes

Entry 'status_2012-11-26_14h13m41.csv' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47075.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_10h42m58.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47076.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_11h29m41.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47080.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_11h42m13.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47081.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_12h07m17.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47083.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_12h14m53.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47085.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_15h06m49.csv' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47088.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-20_14h50m09.csv' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47073.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-20_14h55m32.csv' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47074.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_11h04m36.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47078.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_11h54m45.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47082.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_12h12m20.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47084.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_12h33m52.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47086.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_10h51m59.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47077.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_11h17m09.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47079.  Clear<y>? yes
Entry 'status_2012-11-26_12h54m11.csv.gz' in /var/log/status_logs (46956) has deleted/unused inode 47087.  Clear<y>? yes

Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
'..' in /etc/network/run (46948) is <The NULL inode> (0), should be /etc/network (46953).
Fix<y>? yes

Couldn't fix parent of inode 46948: Couldn't find parent directory entry

Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Unattached inode 46945
Connect to /lost+found<y>? yes

Inode 46945 ref count is 2, should be 1.  Fix<y>? yes
Inode 46953 ref count is 5, should be 4.  Fix<y>? yes

Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Block bitmap differences:  -(208264--208266) -(210062--210068) -(211343--211491) -(213241--213250) -(213344--213393) -213397 -(213457--213463) -(213516--213521) -(213628--213655) -(213683--213688) -(213709--213728) -(215265--215300) -(215346--215365) -(221541--221551) -(221696--221704) -227517
Fix<y>? yes

Free blocks count wrong for group #6 (17247, counted=17611).
Fix<y>? yes

Free blocks count wrong (161691, counted=162055).
Fix<y>? yes

Inode bitmap differences:  +(47089--47090) +47093 +47095 +(47097--47099) +(47101--47104) -(47219--47220) -47222 -47224 -47228 -47231 -(47347--47348) -47350 -47352 -47356 -47359 -(47457--47488) -47985 -47996 -(47999--48000) -48017 -(48027--48028) -(48030--48032) -48049 -(48059--48060) -(48062--48064) -48081 -(48091--48092) -(48094--48096)
Fix<y>? yes

Free inodes count wrong for group #6 (7608, counted=7624).
Fix<y>? yes

Free inodes count wrong (61919, counted=61935).
Fix<y>? yes

embeddedrootwrite: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****

embeddedrootwrite: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors **********

embeddedrootwrite: 657/62592 files (24.4% non-contiguous), 87882/249937 blocks

Embedded-PC-failsafe:~# e2fsck /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
embeddedrootwrite contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Directory entry for '.' in ... (46948) is big.
Split<y>? yes

Missing '..' in directory inode 46948.
Fix<y>? yes

Setting filetype for entry '..' in ... (46948) to 2.
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
'..' in /etc/network/run (46948) is <The NULL inode> (0), should be /etc/network (46953).
Fix<y>? yes

Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Inode 2 ref count is 12, should be 13.  Fix<y>? yes

Pass 5: Checking group summary information

embeddedrootwrite: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
embeddedrootwrite: 657/62592 files (24.4% non-contiguous), 87882/249937 blocks
Embedded-PC-failsafe:~# e2fsck /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
embeddedrootwrite: clean, 657/62592 files, 87882/249937 blocks

Best Answer

You're both wrong (maybe?)... ext3 is coping the best it can with having its underlying storage removed so abruptly.

Your SSD probably has some type of onboard cache. You don't mention the make/model of SSD in use, but this sounds like a consumer-level SSD versus an enterprise or industrial-grade model.

Either way, the cache is used to help coalesce writes and prolong the life of the drive. If there are writes in-transit, the sudden loss of power is definitely the source of your corruption. True enterprise and industrial SSD's have supercapacitors that maintain power long enough to move data from cache to nonvolatile storage, much in the same way battery-backed and flash-backed RAID controller caches work.

If your drive doesn't have a supercap, the in-flight transactions are being lost, hence the filesystem corruption. ext3 is probably being told that everything is on stable storage, but that's just a function of the cache.