Java 8 Update 25 Install Via GPO Not Working


I am trying to set up our Active Directory DC to automatically install Java 8 Update 25 (jre1.8.0_25.msi) using Group Policy. When attempting to add the jre1.8.0_25.msi package in the GPO at Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings I receive the error:

Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package.
Run validation on the package to ensure that the package is correct.

How can I install Java 8_25 silently across the domain?



Using information from these pages:

and the command line from this page:

I came up with this script:

if exist %systemdrive%\"Program Files (x86)" 
    set bit=x64
    set bit=i586

IF EXISTS %ProgramFiles%\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\java.exe GOTO END



UPDATE (2) 11/13/2014

I thought I should provide an update in here for anyone who comes along behind to reference this. The script I provided works, but there are other problems with the JVM and JRE that you should be aware of in advance:

After exploring and testing different solutions, there seems to be a problem with 64 bit installations. Using my script, 64 bit Java 8 was installed on all of our 64 bit systems. However, none of the browsers recognized Java as being installed. The only solution that worked as to install Java 8 32 bit in addition to 64 bit. (32 bit would likely work on its own, but I haven't bothered to uninstall 64 bit)

Best Answer

First off, don't use the Software Installation GPOs. They suck.

Second off, make sure you have the proper "offline" Java installer.

Then, create a startup script, and put it a GPO at \Computer configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Scripts\Startup to install it.