Java – Apache httpd Java Application


I have an Apache httpd server (not Tomcat) installation with various applications running on it. One application that I just "installed" is a Java application. The application was installed into the 'htdocs' folder, and contains a file -> "index.jspx", which I'm assuming would be the start page, if it loaded.

All I get is a 404 error, and what I'm guessing is that something else needs to be done to have a Java application run on Apache Server.

Is there anything I need to enable in httpd.conf, or do I need Tomcat?

Best Answer

Apache HTTPD is not a Java application server. If you want to run a Java application, you need Tomcat, or another application server like JBoss or GlassFish.

Another cool thing is that there's a module for Apache called "mod_jk" which allows you to create a bridge between Tomcat and HTTPD, by defining workers. You can keep your Tomcat installation running on a different port and still access it through your main web server.