Java – better for a Java Web Application: more CPU cores or a higher clock speed


I'm not sure whether serverfault is the right place to ask this, but I wonder what choice you would make if you had to select a new CPU type for your Java Web Application:

a) a CPU with 32 cores and clock speed 2.5 Ghz


b) a CPU with 8 cores but clock speed of 3.8 Ghz

Given the fact that each of the web application's incoming HTTP request is served by a free Java thread, it might make sense to choose a), because you can process four time more HTTP requests at the same time. However, on the other hand, CPU b) can finish the processing of a single HTTP request much faster…

What do you think?


  • it has to be a physical machine, VMs or cloud solutions are not an option in this case
  • RAM is not important, the server will have 512GB of RAM in the end
  • Caching: the Java web application features an extensive caching framework, so the choice is really on the CPUs.

Best Answer

tldr; The real answer is probably "more RAM", but as you've asked your question the answer is, of course, it depends. Then again, 32 cores @2.5Ghz will almost certainly beat 8 cores @3.8Ghz - it's 4 times more cores vs. 1.5 times faster clock. Not a very fair fight.

A few factors you should consider are transaction response time, concurrent users and application architecture.

Transaction response time If your Java application responds to most requests in a few milliseconds then having more cores to handle more concurrent requests is probably the way to go. But if your application mostly handles longer running, more complex transactions it might benefit from faster cores. (or it might not - see below)

Concurrent users and requests If your Java application receives a large number of concurrent requests then more cores will probably help. If you don't have that many concurrent requests then you might just be paying for a bunch of extra idle cores.

Application architecture Those long running requests I mentioned won't benefit much from faster cores if the app server spends most of the transaction time waiting for responses from web services, databases, kafaka/mq/etc. I've seen plenty of applications with 20-30 second transactions that only spend a small portion of their response time processing in the application itself, and the rest of the time waiting for responses from databases and web services.

You also have to make sure the different parts of your application fit together well. It doesn't do you much good to have 32 or 64 threads each handling a request all queuing up waiting for one of 10 connections in JDBC pool, aka the pig in a python problem. A bit of planning and design now will save you a lot of performance troubleshooting later.

One last thing - what CPUs could you possibly be comparing? The cheapest 32 core 2.5 GHz CPU I can find costs at least 3 or 4 times more than any 8 core 3.8 Ghz CPU.

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