Java – JMX real-time monitoring application


I'm looking for a (probably) desktop application to monitor applications through JMX in real-time. The application must provide the capability to design a dashboard with charts and gauges with values coming from several JMX queries. I must be able to set thresholds to some values and be alerted with sounds if the value goes beyond the threshold.

The application will be always running on a big monitor in our operation room.

Traditional monitoring application like Nagios, Hyperic and others does not fit well in my "real-time" requirement. They are also excelent at maintaining the history of monitoring or at alerts, but lack a good and fast GUI.

My budget is $200, but free and opensource are always preferred. I do have some time to customize it.

Best Answer

You can use a combination of JMXTrans and Graphite. JMXTrans will periodically get the values of your JMX counters and then store them in Graphite. Graphite can then graph them for you.

As others have mentioned there are some SAAS solutions as well: