Java – Linux distro designed to run a Java service


Is there a 64-bit linux distro available that is made to run a Java JVM inside of it? What I mean, is that it would be nice to have a simpler distribution of Linux that is small and fast to setup that is designed only to run a Java server.

I need to configure my 64-bit JVM with 2GB-3GB of max heap.

If not, any recommendations on which Linux server distro to use? How is OpenSolaris? Any benefit to using that? The base memory footprint of OpenSolaris is 708MB. Thats way too big. It needs to be under 400MB for sure.

Best Answer

There are several minimalist Linuxes where you can just install what you need. Ubuntu Server would probably be easiest to set up, but if all you want is Java, you could probably get Arch running like that pretty easily. Just do a base install and then:

pacman -Sy jdk jre

You could get it booting real fast and light since you wouldn't need any daemons running except network (and probably sshd).