Java – Need to execute script file using sudo – run from teamcity


I need to execute a script in Linux platform "" (which can be executed as sudo user) using another ant script "build.xml". Now i have execute this build.xml from teamcity.

I have code for everything but got struck into while invoking "" using sudo in build.xml from team city.

In build.xml i have code like

    <exec dir="${installdir}" executable="/bin/sh">
        <arg line="-c 'sudo ./'"/>
        <redirector inputstring="sudopassword"/>        

In team city I get error as " [exec] sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo".

Can someone please help me resolve this error?

thanks in advance

Best Answer

If you type "sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo" in a search engine, you obtain the following instructions on first link (

" vi /etc/sudoers

comment out: #Default requiretty "

BR Eric