Java – ProCurve 2610 Java error


I've got two identical procurve 2610-24/12PWR switches with the web interface configured. I can log in to one and see all the management info just fine. When I load the web interface of the other I'm asked to authenticate as usual and the various java applets that comprise the page start to load. Then they all fail concurrently and generate a pile of ClassNotFoundExceptions in the java console.

What gives? The switch appears to be operating normally otherwise.

Best Answer

What operating system, web browser, JRE and firmware version are you using?

We have dozens of 2600 series switches and we haven't seen any issues with the Java applets embedded in their web interface. For the records we're using R.11_72 firmware on our switches and the web interface works fine in Firefox 10.0.2 with Java 1.6.0_27.

I would try upgrading to the most recent firmware available for your switches (probably R.11.72) and make sure your web browser and Java is updated and configured appropriately. Have you tried using different browsers?

If all this fails, you should take advantage of ProCurve's free lifetime support and call HP.

Lastly, unless you have specifically disabled it you should still be able to manage your switches via the console.