Java – Use chef-solo to install Oracle JDK 7


Assume I have the java cookbook and its dependencies downloaded from and can run chef-solo successfully.

Is there a command that I can run to install the latest Oracle JDK onto a Linux box, that does not involve creating a new recipe or editing the attributes/default.rb file in cookbook/java?

I know that I can use the -o option to provide the runlist…

I guess that I would need to use -j some-file-with.json to override the attributes… but I haven't been able to figure out what that json content looks like.

Best Answer

chef-solo is looking for a json file (when specified) with this format.

So to run your specific scenario, you'd want something like this:

  "java": {
    "install_flavor": "oracle_rpm",
    "jdk_version": "7",
    "oracle": {
      "accept_oracle_download_terms": true
  "run_list": [

Best of luck!

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