Jboss wildcard cert import


I have a wildcard Cert from godaddy that is installed in our network on a 2008 R2 server running IIS. I have several windows servers now using this wildcard cert and importing into IIS was very straight forward.
My Issue is that I now have a windows 2008 R2 server running JBoss as its webserver and i need to import this wildcard cert into this webserver. I am unclear which steps to take next.
Can someone provide help in importing my wildcard cert into my 5.X JBoss server

Best Answer

If you have an existing wildcard cert (the csr was generated from another host) you will need to download or generate the wildcard cert in pfx format. From here you need to change your server.xml connector node to keystoreType="PKCS12" and point keystoreFile="myCert.pfx" you will also need your keystorePass="mypassword" with that updated restart jBoss and it should be working.