Jenkins unable to get ssh-agent to work, looks for a missing askpass_*.sh file


I installed the ssh-agent before and had everything working nicely with an ssh key that has all the proper permissions for cloning repos from a github project, but now after setting up another instance of Jenkins (as closely as I could, I didn't clone it when I should have), I get the following error:

$ ssh-agent SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-4CemQOSbNiXl/agent.4477

Running ssh-add (command line suppressed)

No such file or directory

This is being used with the
sshagent (credentials: ['correct-key-here'])
in the Jenkinsfile in the repo.

Thanks for any info

Best Answer

Stupid error message for a stupid mistake. In the credentials, the public ssh key was used instead of the private ssh key.

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