Join large overlapping files


I am trying to recover a (MySQL) database from a crashed disk. There are a number of recent dumps, which are corrupted bz2 files. Since the database does not change often, the dumps should be nearly identical. bzip2recover recovered about 70-80% of the chunks from the files, so most if not all of the data could be recovered by finding the overlaps in the files and joining them together. For example:

dump1: |-----------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|------------------|
dump2: |-------------|----------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
dump3: |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|---------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|

here I can detect that the first chunk in dump1 is continued by the second one in dump2, which is continued by the second in dump3, which is continued by the third in dump1. By joining these four files, I have recovered the data.

The problem is that there are thousands of files (I have ten dumps of ~400 1M chunks each). Is there a tool which could automate this process, or at least parts of it (like a linux command checking for the longest overlap between the end of one file and the start of another)?

Best Answer

I needed this exact same thing. I came up with this surprisingly fast python code (it joined two 2GB files with an 800MB overlap in 30 seconds.) Adjust overlap_size as necessary for your chunks. It should be as long as possible but less than the real overlap size.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

overlap_size = 100000000 # 100MB

a = file(sys.argv[1]).read()
b = file(sys.argv[2]).read()
end = a[-overlap_size:]
offset = b.find(end)

c = file(sys.argv[3], 'wb')


./ chunkA chunkB outputAB
./ outputAB chunkC outputABC
./ outputABC chunkD outputABCD
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