Kickstarting VMWare ESX 4.1 (Error: No NIC with name bootif)


I'm having an issue kickstarting an installation of VMWaare ESX Classic 4.1. I've stripped down my kickstart a bit to just:


keyboard us


clearpart --firstdisk --overwritevmfs

url --url=

rootpw --iscrypted $1$zZJa3g7g$mD8d.6QgbPku1QovQTAps/

timezone 'US/Pacific'

network --addvmportgroup=true --device=vmnic0 --bootproto=dhcp

part '/boot'  --fstype=ext3 --size=1100  --onfirstdisk
part 'none'  --fstype=vmkcore --size=110  --onfirstdisk
part 'datastore1'  --fstype=vmfs3 --size=8920 --grow  --onfirstdisk

virtualdisk 'esxconsole' --size=7920 --onvmfs='datastore1'

part 'swap'  --fstype=swap --size=916 --onvirtualdisk='esxconsole'
part '/var/log'  --fstype=ext3 --size=2000 --onvirtualdisk='esxconsole'
part '/'  --fstype=ext3 --size=5000 --grow --onvirtualdisk='esxconsole'

%post --interpreter=bash

However, when I attempt to use this kickstart during a PXE install with no additional kernel options, I get the following error:

There was a problem with the Network Device specified on the command line.
Error: No NIC found with name bootif

If I comment out the network line in the kickstart, the error changes to:

There was a problem with the Network Device specified on the command line.
Error: No NIC found with name eth0

How can I fix this? Thanks.

Best Answer

You might try adding "IPAPPEND 2" to your pxe stanza.

Also, are you sure that the drivers for your nic exist in the installer you are trying to boot?