LAMP monitoring by zabbix


Someone have experience with lamp monitoring ? I mean standard monitoring and slow queries monitoring for mysql, virtual hosts load as well. And alerting if something going not well.

Cacti is very cool tool for this, but it has no alerts system and it very huge. I like zabbix, its performance. But I can't find any note or plugin for apache monitoring, some tool which will take */server-status collect this data, collect data for each vhost and save this to zabbix database with graphics drawing further opportunitys =)

Also something from proc stat for mysql, collect data for each user, him stats, slow queries and so on, with graphics as result =)

Must been this tools is anywhere, I'm just can't find it…

Best Answer

here are some zabbix templates to get started -

also it is not very difficult to write your own script and include results into zabbix - give it a try!
