Layer 3 Protocol only in wireshark


I have a simple question:

is there any way in wireshark to avoid resolution of protocol besides the protocol of layer 3 ?

For example, in the column protocol, instead of showing http, I want it to show TCP or it's value (6).

I can see in menu analyse / enabled protocols we can disable one by one, but for very big traces with lots of differente protocols like "eDonkey" "QUAKE" etc, it's costs a lot of time…

Best Answer

In the latest wireshark (1.8 or so) at least, after opening the "Enabled Protocols..." dialog, you can just click on "Disable All" and then enable only the few protocols that you need. Mostly this will be:

  • SLL - Linux cooked-mode capture - so you can read the file
  • IPv4 (or IPv6) - your layer 2 protocols
  • TCP, UDP, ARP - your layer 3 protocols

Clicking on about six checkboxes is not too bad, is it?