Ldap – Add AD entries using ldapadd failing with “unwilling to perform”


I'm trying to add entries to an Active Directory using ldapadd. Here's my ldif file:

DN: CN=John_Smith,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=net
objectClass: user 
CN: John_Smith
sn: John 
givenName: Smith 
displayName: John_Smith 
sAMAccountName: jsmith 
userPrincipalName: jsmith@example.net

I'm aware that if you attempt to modify/update or add a user password, Active Directory will require you to have a SSL connection to the server. However, this fails without me trying to update the user password. Here's the response:

adding new entry "CN=John_Smith,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=net"
ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
        additional info: 00002035: LdapErr: DSID-0C090D64, comment: Operation not allowed through GC port, data 0, v2580

This active directory was deployed using AWS Directory Service wizard.

Best Answer

Do not use the global catalogue port for user creation. If your server requires a SSL connection, use the ldaps port which defaults to to 636.

Also, please ensure the new password complies with your password complexity policy and password history policy. The unwilling to perform error message is a common result of a conflict with the password policy.