Ldap – Best practices or experience with company wide Username policies and resolving duplicates


I am a programmer with an application that needs to be integrated into the new company wide Active Directory login scheme. This means changing all the usernames in our system to use the new scheme. The new scheme is "first initial, last name", so Joe Smith would have a username of jsmith. If John Smith now gets hired, he'll get jsmith2. BUT as soon as Joe leaves the company, his AD account is deleted, and jsmith is available again. So if Jill Smith now is hired, she would get jsmith. From an applications standpoint this causes problems in my view, because I could now have records relating to Joe and records relating to Jill that are indistinguishable, because they were both created by "jsmith".

I am therefore left to wonder if there is a standard or best practice that addresses this issue of reusing usernames in an organization wide directory, especially in larger companies. When bringing up my concerns at a meeting I was told that "there's no way [big company name] still has a record of every user that's left the company", and that struck me as crazy. So, is there a generally accepted solution to handling usernames? Or does every company make it up as they go?

Best Answer

Windows copes with this by using a GUID to identify every account. The username is just decoration. You'll find that the old jsmith and new jsmith have different GUIDs even though the usernames are the same.

Can you associate a GUID with each account in your app? If I think about it I can probably tell you how to get at the GUID for a user. It will be an attribute of the user in active directory.