Ldap – Difference to connect to LDAP by BindDn or by username


We have an application which can only connect to a LDAP (AD) by using the BindDn.

When I try to connect from the server which host the application using a simple LDAP client (LDAPAdmin) it connects sucessfully.

Recently the sysadmin change the AD (probably to a new machine and new version) but we cannot connect to it using the BindDn anymore, we did not change anything on the settings (BindDn string) except the ldap url pointing to the new server.


Case 1 – connect with user/password

url     = ldap://myserver.mydomain.org
BaseDn  = OU=department,DC=mydomain,DC=org
user    = myuser
passw   = password

Case 2 – connect with bindDn

url     = ldap://myserver.mydomain.org
BaseDn  = OU=department,DC=mydomain,DC=org
bindDn  = CN=myuser,OU=Special Accounts,DC=mydomain,DC=org
bindpwd = password

The connection using case 1 works with the ldapAdmin as the Case 2 does not work from our app (same user and password in both cases).

Error message is here LDAP Error Message

Is there a special setting on the LDAP server side to enable to connect using BindDn?

Apparently the former server was a Windows 2003 Server and the new one is Windows 2008 Server.

Best Answer

LDAP admin will be Binding to database using specific credentials, you need to locate them and bind using them, but for core changes you need to find specific binding account details anyway your bind parameters will link to specific access control lists ACLs, so admin will have more privs than a user who can read the database. OK.