Ldap – DNS searching with wildcards


Anything like nslookup or dig offer the ability to search based on something contained in the name … like a wildcard search or something?

I'm trying to make a little script with a GUI wrapper for our helpdesk team. Ideally, I'd like them to be able to search the user's last name (something that is always present in the DNS record) and then I'll populate a pulldown with the possible options to choose from.

I'm unable to find a way to effectively have the equivalent of nslookup *miller* … it would be great to then get back

Name: sf-jacobmiller.localdomain.com

Name: sf-justinmiller.localdomain.com

..which I could then parse into a pulldown for them to pick from.

I have not yet looked into what's available with ldapsearch which may be able to do what I'm looking for. My only requirement is that this is built into OSX and I won't need to install anything else, otherwise I'm open to any solutions you can offer. Thanks

Best Answer

You can get a full list of entries in a zone with a zone transfer; you'd need to allow this for authorized systems in your DNS server.

Once that's done, you can run the transfer and grep the result:

dig axfr localdomain.com | grep -i miller