I have installed ReviewBoard before on windows successfully. I am now trying to install it on Ubuntu.
Steps so far:
Successfully installed
ReviewBoard (can login into the web
app) -
Connected Ubuntu to the
windows Domain. -
I can successfully
login as the user I wish to run
ReviewBoard under. -
Tried to change
/var/www/review/apache-mod-python.conf to have the something like the following (NOTE: These aren't actually my details)AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=LookUp,ou=People,dc=masd,dc=edu"
AuthLDAPBindPassword masdsearch
AuthLDAPAuthoritative off
AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer On
AuthLDAPURL ldap://server1.masd.edu/ou=People,dc=masd,dc=edu?sAMAccountName
However doing all this when i try and post to review board from my local machine I get the following error
Error uploading diff: One or more fields had errors (105)
{u'fields': {u'path': [u'HTTPS certificate not accepted. Please ensure that the proper certificate exists in /var/www/.subversion/auth for the user that reviewboard is running as.']}, u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'One or more fields had errors', u'code': 105}}
Does anyone have ideas??
Best Answer
I fixed this using the following method
SVN checkout a file under the user Reviewboard is running under this will create a .Subversion/Auth/ directory in that users HOME.
I then simply recreated the .Suberversion/Auth/ directory in /var/www/ and everyhting worked as expected