Ldap – How to configure Subversion Edge to use LDAP Groups for authentication


I'd like to make use of LDAP groups in my Subversion Edge "Repository Access Rules".

For example, if LDAP user smokris is a member of LDAP group dev, I'd like to be able to grant the dev group access to test-repository, without having to explicitly add each member of group dev to the Repository Access Rules.

What's the syntax for that?

I tried:



…but user smokris is denied access.

Best Answer

Download https://bitbucket.org/whitlockjc/jw-tools.

Create an executable script like the following (substitute in your directories and LDAP configuration):



# truncate the access file after the generated-content tag
perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\n\n### Start generated content.*//s' \
    < $CSVN_DIR/data/conf/svn_access_file \
    > $CSVN_DIR/data/conf/svn_access_file.tmp

# append the latest LDAP group configuration
$JW_TOOLS_DIR/sync_ldap_groups_to_svn_authz/sync_ldap_groups_to_svn_authz.py \
    --url="..." \
    --bind-dn="..." --bind-password="..." \
    --base-dn="..." \
    --group-query="objectClass=posixGroup" \
    --group-member-attribute="memberUid" \
    --user-query="objectClass=posixAccount" \
    --userid_attribute="uid" \
    --quiet \
    | grep -v '^\[groups\]' \
    >> $CSVN_DIR/data/conf/svn_access_file.tmp

mv -f $CSVN_DIR/data/conf/svn_access_file.tmp $CSVN_DIR/data/conf/svn_access_file

Run the script periodically from cron:

0 * * * * ~/update-ldap-groups
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