Ldap – Installing FreeIPA with DNS — NetworkError: cannot connect to ‘ldap://labipa.example.com:389’


Environment I'm using:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4

I've installed all the required packages:

yum -y install ipa-server bind-dyndb-ldap ipa-server-dns

Added the following in my /etc/hosts:      labipa.example.com labipa

Install FreeIPA with DNS:

ipa-server-install --setup-dns --allow-zone-overlap

Server host name: labipa.example.com
Directory Manager password: ~~password~~
IPA admin password: ~~password~~
Enter IP address for a DNS forwarder:
Do you want to search for missing reverse zones? yes

[37/45]: initializing group membership
[error] NetworkError: cannot connect to 'ldap://labipa.example.com:389': 
ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(CompatServerMasterInstall): ERROR    cannot connect to 
ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(CompatServerMasterInstall): ERROR    The ipa-server-install command 
failed. See /var/log/ipaserver-install.log for more information

Steps I've tried to fix:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ldap
firewall-cmd --reload

Best Answer

The installation asks you for a DNS forwarder, which it presumably then uses to resolve any DNS lookups.

Because you've specified, it won't be able to work out that labipa.example.com points to your machine.

You can install something like dnsmasq, and have it read your /etc/hosts entry, and then tell the freeipa installer to use as your DNS forwarder.

Here is a RedHat guide on doing exactly this. It requires a RedHat support account (but you are using RedHat, so probably have an account). There is a similar solution on stackexchange too

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