Ldap – OpenLDAP schema location (cn=schema,cn=config) does this exist


We're trying to get an instance of OpenLDAP up and running. I'm using ApacheDS as the browser. When I go to create my objects in the LDAP database, I see that a number of objects and attributes don't fit the purpose for which I intend on using it. So, naturally I want to extend the schema.

I'm following instructions from http://www.rainingpackets.com/how-to-add-schema-file-openldap-24/ and I see that there is a "path" cn=schema,cn=config. Should I be able to see this path through my LDAP browser? Whenever I try to connect to that location, it errors out (says invalid credentials).

The README has the path "dc=maxcrc,dc=com" as the default one and ApacheDS confirms this and I can log in just fine here.

If anyone can offer some insight into the mind of OpenLDAP, I'd appreciate it.

Best Answer

Typically in your OpenLDAP installation you have at least two trees:

  • One is the DIT ("data information tree") where you enter your nodes
  • One is cn=config, where the configuration information is put (which can be manipulated with just the same LDAP commands, as itself is setup as a DIT!).

Normally, cn=config is not readable for any account of the DIT (for obvious reasons, hm?). So in order to access cn=config you typically use a dedicated account, which is determined by the database's olcRootDN attribute (in my case cn=admin,cn=config).

However, in some distros that account might not exist or does not have an initial password set.

To change this, you would do following:

  1. Encrypt the password with sudo slappasswd
  2. Set the password by modifying the LDAP entry:
sudo ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:///
dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: cn=admin,cn=config
add: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: <encrypted password>