Ldap – postgresql LDAP authentication


I am trying to give an LDAP authentication to my postgresql database.

Here is my pg_hba.conf config file

local all all md5
local all postgres md5
host  all all ldap ldapserver=myldap_serverip ldapprefix="cn=" ldapsuffix=", ou=users, dc=example, dc=hyd, dc=com"

But when i am trying to connect with one of my LDAP user called test, i am getting the following error:

psql -U test
Password for user test:
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "test"

Note: I have created test user in postgresql.

I performed the below search and it is working

ldapsearch -W -D "cn=test user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=hyd,dc=com" -b "dc=example,dc=hyd,dc=com" "uid=test"

Best Answer

It seems you're testing the LDAP bind with a different dn than what postgres constructs:

cn=test user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=hyd,dc=com


"cn=" + "test" + ", ou=users, dc=example, dc=hyd, dc=com"

i.e. "test" doesn't match "test user"

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