Ldap – Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory Web Services won’t start with SSL


I am running a Windows 2008 R2 server as a PDC. I've installed the ADWS and I'm trying to get SSL support running but I'm experiencing the following error:

Source: ADWS
EventID: 1400

Active Directory Web Services could not find a server certificate with the specified certificate name. A certificate is required to use SSL/TLS connections. To use SSL/TLS connections, verify that a valid server authentication certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) is installed on the machine.

Certificate name: HEIDI.mkdb.local

Of course I've already installed the CA server on this same machine so that I could get a valid certificate.
I've imported the certificate in my server's certificates and I have given it the friendly name HEIDI.mkdb.local as shown in the following screenshot (I can't post screenshots yet..), but still I get this error.
What am I missing?

Best Answer

Googling your error got some interesting information about the solution, you may want to start by applying a "Subject Name" to your certificate if not applied already, this appears to be an essential part of the certificate requirements for ADWS, more information can be found here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/5fac0d70-7dff-46f7-8c3a-b2982bc7fffc/adws-event-id-1400

If that didn't solve your problem, then I'd check the following:

  1. If you installed the certificate on the correct certificate store, which is "Computer / Personal"
  2. If the type of the certificate you generated and installed on the server is correct, which is Computer certificate.

Hope this helps.