Lighttpd proxy module – use with hostname


I have to proxy a site which is hosted on an external webspace through my lighty on
My config so far:

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webmail" {
    proxy.server =  ("/webmail/" => (
        # this entry should link to
        ("host" => "", "port" => 80)

The webspace provider has configured my domain as vhost. So if i access lighttpd will only deliver the main site of the
webspace provider which says "Site was not found on our server."

Any suggestions how i have to configure lighty to proxy sites that are only hosted as vhost (and do not have an ip on their own)?

Best Answer

I believe this can be fixed with mod_setenv:

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webmail" {
    # add host header
    setenv.add-request-header ( "Host" => "" )

    proxy.server =  ("/webmail/" => (
        # this entry should link to
        ("host" => "", "port" => 80)
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