Lighttpd redirect non-www to www


I want to redirect all non-www to www on my domain.

But when I use this code provided by some websites, and do a graceful restart of the lighttpd server, my website doesn't function anymore – at all:

$HTTP[”host”] =~ “^example\.com” {
    url.redirect = (
        ”^/(.*)$” => “$1″

But when I use the one provided at lighttpd's wikipedia page, it works, but it redirects everything to, i.e. is redirected to

$HTTP["host"] =~ "^([^.]+\.[^.]+)$" {
  url.redirect = (
    ".*" => "http://www.%1" 

I have remembered to include mod_redirect in the config file. Can anyone help me? 🙂

Best Answer

In the first example you are messing with all type of quotation marks. Only " ", "programmer’s" quotes, are recognized as quotes in configuration files. You configuration now has curved quotes (”, “) and even Chinese style prime quotation mark (″).

You could try this

$HTTP["host"] == "" {
  url.redirect  = (
    "^/(.*)" => "$1",
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