Lighttpd reverse proxy HTTPS to another server on HTTP


I've a Lighttpd server running on HTTPS, and I want to have one subdirectory on the server act as a reverse proxy for a separate server that runs on HTTP. I've tried following guides on doing both proxy and url rewrite, but something to do with how the SSL is set up is interfering.

$SERVER["socket"] == ":81" {
    url.rewrite-once = ( "^/directory/(.*)$" => "/index.html" )
    proxy.server  = ( "" => ( "" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 123 )))

$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" {
     $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" {
        url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0")

$SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
        ssl.engine = "enable" = "/etc/lighttpd/fullchain.pem"
        ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/server.pem"
        $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/directory/" {
               proxy.server = ( "" => ( "" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 81)))

My intention was that going to /directory/ would redirect you to the I followed this guide which mentioned doing the first redirect to port 81, then redirecting port 81 to the second server.

This doesn't seem to work and just gets stuck in a redirection loop, and always returns a 301 to the https site.

If I don't do the :81 redirect, I can get the bottom proxy.server to redirect to the right place, but it keeps the /directory/ ending which doesn't get to where I need it.


Best Answer

lighttpd 1.4.46 and later have a feature in mod_proxy which allows remapping url-path prefixes. See the 'proxy.header' directive and "map-urlpath" sub-option.

This feature avoids the double-proxy config you are trying to use.

lighttpd 1.4.46 was released just over a year ago and the latest lighttpd release is lighttpd 1.4.51.

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