Lightweight temperature monitoring on Windows Server 2008


I'm working for a small organization, and I'm currently looking for a quick and easy way to monitor server temperature (Possibly graphing it, though having an emailed warning would be o.k.)

I'm currently using Dell's OpenManage tool, which doesn't really cut it in terms of logging.

Best Answer

I'm a big fan of PRTG Network Monitor from Its a packaged Windows version of MRTG (or at least inspired by it), and does all sorts of useful data collection, graphing, notification, etc. Its inexpensive and has saved my butt.

I also use an environmental monitor from IT Watchdogs. I think I paid $400 bucks for it, and I have at least one in every server room I manage. I knew fairly quickly when the AC went out in my remote office and was able to alert them to take action.